
The name Matamp has a long and distinguished relationship with British Rock & Roll since the genre began. Our founder, Mat Mathias formed personal relationships with the very best our country has produced. These lifelong friendships included such names as John McVie, Peter Green and Mick Fleetwood from the earliest days days of Fleetwood Mac. Graham Goldman from 10cc, These relationship were formed due to May’s helpful nature, work ethic and uncompromising approach to quality of sound, offering advice which helped sculpt the soynd of these acts.

In the years since then, Mat continued to work with hundreds of musician across the globe but always had time for top grossing acts and local gigging musicians alike. His approach and attitude never wavered regardless of who you were.

It is this care and attention to detail which the current custodians of Matamp strive to uphold and to continue the work and heritage of Mat.